Here are the last photos from China. Sara, Chris, and Zanna leave Guangzhou at 8:30am and arrive in Tokyo at 1:40pm. They leave Tokyo at 3:40pm and then have an 11 hour flight to Detroit. Their last flight leaves Detroit at 3:25 and arrives home at 4:36pm. The Detroit flight is Northwest #1505. We can't wait for the moment when our family is complete at last.
WHAT AN EXCITING DAY! I have been thinking about you since I got up this morning. I hope that as I write this, you are spending some long awaited and much deserved family time with your hubby and daughters . . . Congratulations!
FINALLY ALL TOGETHER!!! I am so happy for all of you!! I wish you all of the best.
Take Care, and Keep us posted on how everything is going (when you get a chance) And Thanks Again for Allowing Us To Follow Your Journey! Lynn
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