Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Buddhist Temple

Hi! Here are some photos from today. We started off the morning power shopping. Chris's stomach started to act up, so Zanna and I spent lunch and into the afternoon together. He was feeling better in time to go to the Chen House and the Buddhist Temple.

These are the photos from the Chen House. In the one photo you can see all of Zanna's fans. It is amazing how people will just come up and stare! The architecture was really incredible. I spent most of my time admiring it versus what was inside. There is a detail shot of all the carving.

The next set of photos are of the Buddhist Temple. I videotaped the actual blessing, so I just have the one photo of the group. There is also a picture of the Monk doing another blessing and Buddha behind him. It was a really cool place. There is a pagoda with 7 floors--really 14 because the stair sets are doubled. Chris, Zanna and I made it to the 2nd floor. We were tired!

As for her hair, that is the only do she'll put up with. The barrettes come right out, and we tried a headband, but that was in her mouth within minutes!

She truly has the best personality! She makes friends at breakfast, walking down the street in the shops. Everyone wants to be her friend.

Can't believe we'll see you so soon! Chris confirmed our flights today. They are still working on a seat for Zanna from Detroit, but I'm sure we'll find some
nice person to switch with us.

I think that is all for now! I am battling a cold, so
I am off to sleep. Have a great day!

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