Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Referral Update

Is it good news or bad news that I am considering it good that 6 days of log-in-dates were matched this month? It's better than the abysmal 2 days that were matched last month. At this rate we would get our referral in September. Perhaps there is some symmetry in that. We received Calla's referral in September (2003). Traveling in China is quite nice in the Fall.

Calla's passport arrived today. The cover is really thick and has some type of electrical sensor in it. I wonder what data they are collecting with that when they run it over a scanner. At any rate, she now has more proof that she is an American citizen, and I am relieved to have her Certificate of Citizenship back in my possession.

So it looks like we will enjoy our summer watching our fish-girl master the pool, taking a family vacation, hobnobbing with the play group, and seeing what happens with the June, July, and August referral batches.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Thinking of you as you wait!! You are in our thoughts and prayers--we hope you hear soon!!! Thank you so much for the e-mail!