Calla had her swim lesson last night, and she has a really great teacher. Emily has only worked with Calla a few times and yet she knows just how much to challenge her and how to balance that with the right amount of support. She also gives her frequent, yet sincere praise. That's good teaching.
Then there is Mr. Troy, her gymnastics instructor. I doubt that Mr. Troy has a degree in teaching, but he has the best "classroom management" I have ever seen. He makes the best use of all 60 minutes of the lesson--no sitting or standing around. It's kind of like a three-ring circus sometimes. He is highly entertaining (to the parents as well as the kids), often doing pratfalls and making fun of himself. He has high standards for behavior, and only the kids who follow the rules get their hands (and feet) stamped at the end of the lesson. Calla will work like heck to get those little stamps. She always shows them to me first thing when I get home and reports who did NOT get their stamps.
Finally, there are her 5 preschool teachers, whom she adores. She can tell you different things about each one, like she really knows them. They are always smiling when we drop her off and pick her up. She loves going to school, so they must be doing something right.
In my profession I see so few really good teachers that it is rewarding to have so many of them in my daughter's life. Thanks to all the good teachers! We really appreciate you.